Monday, 17 September 2012

No sewing progress but design work happening

I've made no sewing progress this week due to big work project and a jam packed weekend full of social engagements (most unusual for me).

But I've worked on and off on the overall design.  The images of Cloud/Wind, Sun, Dragon, Mermaid and Ship are all to be quilted!   Yes quilted.   Very ambitious and am very excited about tackling them so it should make me focus on getting the compasses quilted without fear and delay so I can work on them.    The four moon symbols I might quilt in the corners at the edge of the quilt but I think I can only decide this when I finished the rest of the "Here Be Dragons" map images.

The four smaller blank circles and the centre large circle represent the Mariner's Compass.

The real thing, yummy.

I'm linking up with
Leah's UFO Sunday

<a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="UFO Sundays on the Free Motion Quilting Project" src=""/></a>


  1. Definitely ambitious and well worth it I think, the images you have selected are fantastic, the "here be dragons" theme is spot on.

  2. Thanks Christine. Yes ambitious but I think after this I'll be ready for anything o:)

  3. It is a wonderful quilt. The design work is so worthwhile.
    I would like to suggest that you flip the dragon block, so that the dragon is looking into the quilt. It will help keep the viewers eye moving within the quilt. I do think you are ready for anything.

  4. That is a great idea Joni. Thanks. Now to get back to quilting.
